How Does Accounts Receivable Automation Help My Company Save Time and Effort?

In a perfect world, all businesses would have the time and manpower to handle every process internally. In the real world, companies often need to find creative ways to get everything done on time and under budget. Automation has changed the way companies and their accounting departments tackle this challenge. Consequently, automation in AR collections […]
How Does a CFO Manage and Mitigate Risk?

Over the last decade, the CFO’s role has seen a lot of changes. In the past, CFOs focused on mitigating the risks that threatened a company’s financial stability. Their financial risk management strategies now branch into other areas of business, such as legal compliance and tech. This, in turn, has changed the way CFOs work […]
How the Accounts Payable Process Work?

The accounts payable process is a key part of any successful business. It ensures that the business meets its financial obligations in full and on time. The AP team must also find creative solutions for instances when cash is low to meet these needs. Understanding the accounts payable process steps makes it easier for you […]
Top 10 CFO Blogs & Websites You Must Follow in 2022

As a Chief Financial Officer, having the right information at your fingertips is crucial to ensuring you make the best decisions for your business. You know well that politics, public health and socio-economic trends can have a direct impact on business performance. Consequently, these factors influence the financial decisions you make. So, where should you […]
The 5 Best Podcasts for CFOs You Must Follow in 2022

As a CFO, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in your industry. Unfortunately, your busy schedule might make it difficult to read all the books and articles it would take to accomplish this. That’s where podcasts come in, but how do you find the right one? We’ve made it […]
Why Should You Outsource Your Accounts Payable Process?

If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to save money and improve your bottom line. Accounts payable outsourcing services is one way to achieve both of these goals while also improving the accuracy of your books. Is it worth the risk of sharing your business’s financial information with another entity? Does […]
What Is Bad Debt to Sales Ratio?

Debt refers to the amount of money one entity owes another. Debt becomes bad debt when the debtor has a low or no chance of repaying that money. When financial professionals calculate a bad debt to sales ratio, the intention is to determine the financial state of the company. More specifically, the accounting team needs […]
Transformational Finance Organization Best Practices in 2022

It seems that finance transformation is always a relevant issue for CFOs executives, most of whom are constantly being pulled in multiple directions throughout the day with ever increasing demands on their time. Finance function transformation promises to alleviate these issues in numerous ways: Creating more alignment between operations and finance Implementing better data management […]
How to Use Collections Effectiveness Index (CEI)

Of the many collections metrics in the finance team’s arsenal, one that deserves more attention is CEI – the collections effectiveness index. This is a collection efficiency KPI that indicates how effective a team is at collecting funds from customers and closing accounts. It’s a vital metric for any financial team to know and implement […]
What Is the Role of CFO in Digital Transformation?

The need for digitalisation in finance is clear. CFOs for companies of all sizes understand the benefits of technology for financial oversight, risk management, and strategic decision-making. The problem is that many CFOs have a poor understanding of the critical role they have in driving these advancements and how to work with IT to connect […]